Digital Polygon’s own John Doyle and Bill Annibell will be presenting at WebOps.21 on September 28th and 29th! What is WebOps.21 you ask? WebOps.21 isn't just any tech meetup. It's the ultimate gathering of web professionals at the top of their game who want to make their sites sing. It’s for folks looking to drive growth with digital strategies and align their teams to a steady beat of innovate, deploy, iterate, repeat. 

John’s session titled Marketing Meets Privacy: What You Need to Know in 2021 (1pm ET/10am PT on September 28, 2021) will include Rick Buck, the Chief Privacy Officer at where they will discuss the various U.S. and global privacy laws that have been enacted and their impacts on marketing initiatives here and abroad:

Privacy legislation is moving quickly through the United States. To make it more confusing, these laws are being passed at the state level, with different rules and regulations for each state. In this session we will talk about some of the Privacy Legislation that has been passed in over the past few years, what it means for marketing teams and who needs to comply with what laws. We will also provide some resources and recommendations to help you stay up to date with this rapidly changing landscape. 

  • Highlights of privacy laws in the US over the past few years 
  • What do they mean for web and marketing teams now and in the next year 
  • Useful resources for staying ahead of new privacy laws 
  • Q&A

Bill’s session titled Lean Agile + WebOps Enables Digital Transformation (2:10pm ET/11:10am PT on September 29, 2021) will explore the relationship between Lean Agile and WebOps in an effort to enable marketing and development teams to meet the demands of the digital age:

As the digital age puts more and more pressure on marketing and web teams of all sizes to adapt at a dizzying pace, it is going to take a culture shift that embraces Lean Agile principles coupled with WebOps practices and automation for these organizations to find continued success. Join us today to learn about how marketing and web teams can adopt Lean Agile + WebOps processes and practices in an effort to bring continuous value to their organizations' customers.

In this session, we will:

  • Identify current anti-patterns
  • Discuss the need to pivot to customer centricity
  • Learn to identify and adopt Lean Agile principles
  • Learn the need to develop and implement WebOps practices to enable Lean Agile
  • Discuss how to measure the results and continuously improve

The entire WebOps.21 lineup features leading professionals in tech and SaaS, and the event is a compelling opportunity to learn new strategies, find fresh connections, and, together, discover a better way to collaborate online. This is peak web, and you belong here. 

Tickets are free, to all marketing and web rockstars. Register today!