You may be wondering what Digital Marketing is or how Digital Marketing can help your business. Digital marketing is a powerful way to create awareness and deliver value to customers through content like blogs, videos, social media posts, and more. In this article, we will provide an overview of Digital Marketing so that you can better understand and demystify the subject. We will answer questions like What is Digital Marketing? How is Digital Marketing different than traditional marketing? Why is Digital Marketing important to your business?

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing refers to any type of marketing that is conducted through electronic devices. Comprised of online and internet-related activities, digital marketing includes using websites, search engines, blogs, social media sites, video content or emailing as methods to reach customers.

Unlike traditional marketing, which is static and referred to as “one-way” communication, digital marketing is an ever-changing process. In traditional marketing, customers cannot interact with a business through a billboard or print ad whereas digital marketing provides an avenue for two-way communication between a business and its actual or prospective customers.

Digital Marketing is a powerful way for brands to reach their target audience by employing marketing techniques and content to promote products or services anywhere their customers are. Digital Marketing can be used for a wide range of marketing needs, including customer acquisition and development. Digital channels are continually evolving and offer new tools to help brands connect with their customers on the digital level.

What are the different tactics can my business use for Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is a broad term that includes many techniques to promote business interests. Depending on the needs and goals, there are numerous ways to conduct digital marketing. Lets review some of the most common Digital Marketing tactics utilized by businesses today:

  1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - Search engine optimization (SEO) is designed to help businesses rank higher in search results (primarily Google). To do this, SEO marketers research what words and phrases people are using when they search for things online and use these terms in their own content.
  2. Paid Per Click Advertising (PPC) - Pay-per-click refers to paid advertisements on the Internet. This is a short-term form of digital marketing, meaning that once you are no longer paying, the ad no longer exists.
  3. Social Media Marketing (SMM) - Social Media Marketing is the process of leveraging social media for business-related activities. Social media channels are extremely popular among everyday consumers, which makes social platforms a valuable tool for brands to advertise themselves. Although there are many benefits that come with using these resources, advertisers need to consider this opportunity strategically and work hard on connecting their company’s identity with consumer values and interests.
  4. Content Marketing - Content marketing tells a story about the company, and uses storytelling to increase brand awareness. The goal is eventually having the reader take an action toward becoming a customer such as requesting more information, signing up for an email do list, or making a purchase.
  5. Email Marketing - Marketers use email marketing to share content to an audience. Companies continue using email tactics because the technique remains highly effective.
  6. Mobile Marketing - Mobile marketing is the use of digital media to market products or services. Marketers can target customers through messages in texts, social platforms, emails and mobile apps that are tailored around their geographic location or time.

The best Digital Marketing campaigns combine several of these tactics together because success usually requires an combination of efforts to meet one’s goals.

What are the benefits of Digital Marketing for Businesses?

Digital marketing offers many benefits to businesses. For one, digital marketing allows companies to reach their target audience on a global scale due to its low cost and wide accessibility across devices. It also provides brands with an opportunity for greater targeting potential than traditional methods.

The benefits of digital marketing can be widely varied, but here are a few potential benefits:

  1. Extended Reach - Digital marketing is not confined by geographic limitations whereas traditional marketing has only been active in a specific area. This allows for businesses to market and sell goods internationally which helps widen customer accessibility and makes it easier for customers who cannot find what they’re looking for locally.
  2. Increased Personalization - Digital marketing allows companies to reach potential customers more easily. By using digital platforms, they can target specific demographics by engaging with them on social media or marketing products in their region. This results in a higher conversion rate and better satisfaction among customers since they feel targeted rather than overwhelmed by advertisements everywhere.
  3. Measurable ROI - Maximizing profits can often be a difficult task for businesses across the board. Since ROI is hard, and at times impossible, to measure with traditional marketing tactics that are used; digital marketing provides good visibility into how effective certain campaigns are. With this information, business leaders can make decisions towards maximizing profit based on what they see not just reacting to what happens or if there is a single event like something bad happening.
  4. Cost Effective - One of the benefits of online marketing is that it is more cost-effective than traditional methods. Digital marketing allows you to reach out to interested consumers and generate leads without breaking your budget. Smaller, mid-size businesses can find it difficult when competing with bigger companies, who have more money to spend on television advertisements, radio ads, and other expensive. For example, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising allows you to choose your budget. Whether you want to spend $500 or $2000, you set the amount that works for your company. This is a unique advantage of online marketing.
  5. Connect Througout the Buyer Journey — People who are first exploring the idea of a purchase often turn to the Internet as an information source. When they explore your product or service, it is your opportunity to make a sale. Utilizing online marketing strategies during this time can lead interested users directly to your website for more information on what you have available.
  6. Flexibility - One of the biggest benefits of digital marketing is that you can make changes as you go. Unlike traditional campaigns, where there’s not a lot of back and forth, changing your campaign is very simple online. If you start seeing success and want to increase visibility? No problem at all. You can update your PPC campaigns, tweak your social media ads, optimize your SEO campaigns and deploy new content when necessary. This means you can always make adjustments to drive results.

Overall, digital marketing provides a number of benefits. Furthermore, the cost can be tailored to each business, removing barriers for entry that are often present with other marketing avenues. With so many advantages available no matter what your budget might be, it is easy to see why so many companies are using digital marketing strategies.

How do I create a Digital Marketing Strategy for My Business?

Businesses in all industries are turning to Digital Marketing strategies for a number of reasons, but one thing is clear — Digital marketing provides an array of benefits. There are several different types of Digital Marketing Strategies you can use: Social Media Marketing (SMM), Pay-Per-Click Advertising, SEO and Display Ads to name a few. Depending on your budget, Digital Marketing strategies can be implemented to create awareness and introduce new products or services. The key is identifying what type of content will best suit the needs of your customers.

Every business is unique and has its own need for digital marketing. It will be different from one company to another, but here is the common process as outlined below:

  1. Identify Your Digital Marketing Goals - The first step in this process is identifying specific goals for the campaign, like driving sales, increasing web traffic, or generating leads.
  2. Identify your Buyer Personas - If you want your company to have a better understanding of who it's customers are, creating buyer personas is the best place to start. Getting to know your customers lead to building lasting customer relationships and developing a successful business model.
  3. Choose Marketing Channels - Once you have your buyer personas mapped out it is imperative to identify the best digital marketing channels to reach those specific customers.
  4. Track & Measure Your Results - Likely the most important step for your strategy is to measure your results. Without understanding how you are doing, it is impossible to know where to go. Track and measure what is working, and what is not.
  5. Double Down & Pivot! - Based on your measurable results, double down on what is working and/or pivot for the tactics, channels, strategies that are not. The beauty of Digital Marketing is you are not locked into long term contracts and can adjust as needed. 

To achieve a successful marketing campaign for your distinctive business, you need to adopt a digital marketing plan that takes into consideration the individual needs and goals of your brand.

How did Digital Marketing come about?

With the advent of digital technology—including widespread usage of computers and smart phones—many companies took to experimenting with new marketing tactics. These new tactics, executed on digital channels, are what make up Digital Marketing.

Fast forward to the present and digital marketing is as important, if not more important than traditional marketing methods. This divide seems destined to grow wider over time and the past 2 years have expedited up the shift from traditional marketing methods to digital marketing methods. Taken as a whole, it is vital for businesses of all sizes to plan and execute a viable digital marketing strategy if they want to be successful in today's world. 

Digital Marketing provides an array of benefits and there are ways to grow your business no matter what your budget might be. The key is identifying the type of content that will best suit your customer's needs. Digital marketing allows for creativity, flexibility, scalability and measurable results which can make it easier than ever before to market a company in today's digital age.

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Create Awareness and Deliver Value For Your Business